Extension of the network of cycling paths in the Municipal Commune of Sianów

Gmina Będzino
Miasto Białogard
Gmina Białogard
Gmina Biesiekierz
Gmina Bobolice
Gmina Dygowo
Gmina Gościno
Gmina Karlino
Gmina Kołobrzeg
Miasto Kołobrzeg
Miasto Gmina Koszalin
Gmina Manowo
Gmina Mielno
Gmina Polanów
Gmina Sianów
Gmina Siemyśl
Gmina Świeszyno
Gmina Tychowo
Gmina Ustronie Morskie
Gmina Miasto Sianów
low-emission transport

Municipal Commune of Sianów - This undertaking covers the construction of over 7km of cycling paths including infrastructure to enable workers from the Commune of Sianów to commute in the area of the Commune of Sianów and the City of Koszalin. The undertaking covers the construction of cycling paths in Sianów in the street of Dworcowa in the direction of the railway station in Skibno and along the existing housing development in the localities of Osieki - Sucha Koszalińska, Skwierzynka. Bike&Ride type stopover sites will be built in the localities of Skibno, Sucha Koszalińska and Iwięcino.
This project is currently under implementation. The completion of the investment is scheduled for September 2018

Signing the project co-financing agreement: 7 July 2017
Total value of the project: PLN 4 713 684.25
Co-financing from the European funds: PLN 4 006 631.59
The investment was completed in September 2018

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